Program List

The number of (the)data : 4
  • Entertainment
  • Music
  • Entertainment
  • Music

Reversal Orchestra


No matter how dark the world gets, music touches our hearts and uplifts us. Get ready for the beginning of 2023!
A drama series full of powerful orchestra music is about to cheer Japan up!
Hatsune Tanioka is a painfully plain-looking city hall employee. It turns out, however, that she is a former violin prodigy who disappeared from the limelight.

Just when she thought she was living the peaceful life, she gets embroiled in the affairs of the overly pushy Asahi Tokiwa, an eccentric maestro.

Overhaul a shabby local orchestra and make it world class?! The two set out on their mission but are met with all sorts of obstacles and powerful enemies.

It’s a substandard orchestra and the members know their existence is in danger, but they give it their everything and hold on to their dreams, all for the love of music.

What an adorable sight.

A life spent chasing one’s dream… It’s tough, but fulfilling! You might be thinking, “Classical music? Doesn’t it seem stiff and uppity?” Worry not, it’s a world within reach.

This winter, treat yourself to an exhilarating drama that features music and a reversal of fortune that will set your heart aflame.

  • Romance
  • For Women
  • Romance
  • For Women

Mothers in Love


Ann Ishiwatari had a carefree and comfortable existence until the sudden disappearance of her husband turned her life upside down. Now she must make her way as a single mother with a son who has just entered an elite high school. In this new social environment, she meets Yuko Hayashi, a successful businesswoman and the glamorous Ms. Kanbara who is plagued by her husband’s extramarital affairs. Though outwardly happy, their lives hide troubling secrets that can’t be known. But fighting through pain, these three never-say-die moms parlay their struggles into unexpected new life directions, and perhaps even re-experience the magic of romance in this life-size love story.

이시와타리 안은 무엇 하나 부족함 없는 생활을 보내지만 어느 날 갑자기 남편의 실종으로 생활이 바뀌며 싱글맘이 된다.
유명 고등학교로 아들의 입학을 계기로 가족을 부양하는 커리어 우먼 하야시 유코와 완벽한 생활로 보이지만 남편의 외도로 고민 중인 간바라 마리와 만난다.
잠깐의 망설임이 생각지도 못한 방향으로 인생이 전개되는 세 명의 엄마들.
겉으로는 행복한 생활을 하는 것처럼 보이지만 누구에게도 말할 수 없는 비밀과 고민을 안고 있었다. 상처를 받으면서도 강하고 씩씩하게 열심히 살아가는 엄마들의 모습. 그리고 또다시 여성으로서 사랑에 빠지는 순간을 그린 리얼한 러브스토리.


  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • For Women
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • For Women



A 23-year-old rookie nurse falls hard for a doctor she’s long admired while experiencing the triumphs and tragedy of working on the front line of emergency medical care in a story offering hope for tomorrow. As a high school student, Nanase Sakura witnessed the miracle of Doctor Tendo saving a life, and has been enamored with him ever since. Inspired to become a nurse in hopes of meeting Tendo, she finally fulfills her dream only to learn that he is nicknamed “the Devil” and is super sadistic. Nevertheless, Nanase relentlessly expresses honest feelings toward him, which eventually begin to melt his iron-encased heart in this heartwarming, romantic comedy.

憧れの超ドS医師に恋をした23歳の“新米”看護師が、生と死がすぐ側にある“医療の現場”で懸命に働きながら、ときに喜び、ときに悩み苦しみながらも、希望ある明日を掴んでいく物語。 主人公・佐倉七瀬は、高校生の時に、医師・天堂が命を救う現場に出くわし、ひと目で恋に落ちてしまう。天堂に会いたい一心で看護師になった七瀬。しかし、念願叶って天堂に再会してみると、超ドS男子「通称・魔王」だということが発覚!?そんな天堂に対しても、七瀬はまっすぐに素直に思いを伝えつづける…七瀬のまっすぐさが、“魔王”天堂の鉄の心を溶かしていく胸キュン ラブ&コメディー!

동경하던 “초 도S” 의사를 사랑한 23살의 “신참” 간호사가 생과 사가 공존하는 “의료현장” 에서 열심히 근무하면서 때로는 기뻐하고 때로는 고민하면서도 희망찬 내일을 향해 나아가는 이야기. 주인공 사쿠라 나나세는 고등학교 시절 의사인 텐도가 환자의 생명을 구하는 현장을 보고 한눈에 반하게 된다. 텐도를 만나고 싶은 일념으로 간호사가 된 나나세. 하지만 소원을 이루고 텐도와 재회를 해보니 초 도S 남자「속칭・마왕」이라는 것을 알게 되는데!? 그런 텐도에게도 나나세는 솔직하고 꾸밈없이 자신의 감정을 계속 전한다. 나나세의 순수함이 “마왕” 텐도의 냉철한 마음을 녹여가는 심쿵 러브 코미디!


  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • For Women
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • For Women

Nagi's Long Vacation


Nagi Oshima is a 28-year-old employee of consumer appliance maker, with silky straight hair and a peculiar personality, feeling she must try her hardest to “read the room” so as to interact well with others. But her striving to adapt to others leads her one day to hyperventilate and collapse. “I need to rethink my life!” she proclaims, physically and mentally exhausted. So she decides to give up everything and “reset” her life. She quits her job, terminates her condo lease, breaks off all contact with her boyfriend and everyone she knows, and goes on a solitary search to discover the “freedom” to enjoy her own life. This even means undoing her straight perm and letting her natural curly hair flow, something she’s always harbored a complex about. Moving to a new neighborhood and new life, however, presents both new and old challenges. She meets the man living next door, someone she might define as “too free” and re-encounters her boyfriend, from whom she’d hoped to escape. A romantic comedy straight from the heart that extolls the virtues of self-acceptance and living true to oneself.


가전 회사에서 일하는 찰랑거리는 스트레이트 헤어가 특징인 28살 오시마 나기는 줄 곳 남의 눈치를 살피며 타인에게 맞추려고 무리하다가 과호흡으로 쓰러진다.
「내 인생, 이대로 좋은 걸까…」심신이 지쳐버린 나기는 모든 것을 버리고 인생을 리셋하기로 결심한다!
회사를 그만두고 아파트도 해약하고, 남자친구는 물론 관계되어있던 모든 사람들과의 연락도 끊고 콤플렉스였던 천연 곱슬머리도 그대로 둔 채 행복해지기 위해 인생의 「휴식」을 갖기로 한다.
그런 그녀가 이사 간 곳에서 만난 것은 너무나 자유로운 옆집 남자.
그리고, 연락을 끊었던 남자친구와의 재회.
자신답게 있는 그대로의 삶의 소중함을 그린 휴먼 러브 코미디.
